Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where did Spring go?

Yesterday was a rainy, cold day. Much like today, minus the rain.
I'm really missing the Spring Weather we've had in the last couple weeks.
I took Bella to the vet for her second Mitaban bath yesterday. Next week they will do another skin scrape to see if the baths are killing the mites. *fingers crossed* Honestly, she looks terrible. She has a face only we could love right now! Ronny says she has elephant skin, and that's exactly what it looks like. People look at me like I'm carrying around the Antichrist when I take her in the vet, it's ridiculous. I mean really, do you think I would be handling/holding a dog with the scary and extremely contagious mange. Heck no! I just keep telling myself it will all be over soon and she'll be back to her beautiful self.

My chicks are growing like weeds! They are so stinking cute. Although, I am down to 4. The smallest one was dead when I went to feed and water them last night. The 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks that I bought a few weeks ago are almost ready to go out to the coop with the big guys. They are starting to get some of the 'silver lacing' on their feathers and are looking really pretty.
Fence construction has been put on hold. The weather has pretty much ruined that for now.

What a depressing post so far, huh? geez
Good news is that we are going to the beach this weekend with Ronny's family! It will be us, Ronny's Mom, his 2 sisters and their families. I am extremely excited! WD is too. Ronny, not so much. He travels a lot with work, so going on a trip isn't as appealing to him...at all. So, getting him on board was rough.
We went to Tybee Island last year on the same sort of 'family trip' and it was just too darn cold to enjoy the beach. So, I'm hoping for warmer weather this time around.

I'll end with a few pics from around my little 'Barnyard'.
Also, on yesterdays trip to collect eggs, I realized I miscounted chickens. I left out the 2 New Hampshire hens. I'm sure they would be disappointed if they knew I forgot them. ;)

 My Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Rooster, Elvis, and 2 of his Hens.
 Bella a couple days after we got her. I'll post a recent pic soon, so you guys can see the 'Elephant Skin'
 Partial view of the current Chicken Coop/Goat Lot/Bunny Home
 BoBo and Bruno after a day on the Lake
 My first chick!
 One of the Ameraucana eggs. It was the exact color of Caroline's shirt.
Little in the rabbit house. Still not sure how she managed this.

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