Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Dirtbike for Mom? Really?!

Its been awhile so I've got alot to catch up on!
In my last post I talked about Wd's new dirt bike. Which he is SO in love with. 
In all the chasing wd around the house Ronny decided we needed to purchase another bike, so we could ride with him [instead of running with him]. 
So now Momma has a dirt bike! 

I have never ever driven a motorcycle [with the exception of Wd's and a scooter]. I've ridden on the back many times but never drove. 
Saturday morning we started by looking at CRF100's, eventually deciding on a CRF150. Ronny spent most of last Saturday searching for one and found a killer deal in Dawsonville. When he got home I was getting ready to leave for a bridal shower but he insisted that I get on the bike. 
Ronny kept me up super late watching 'Mom vs Dirt bike' crash videos on YouTube Friday night. Which added even more pressure not to crash. I was beyond nervous, even though I understood how everything worked. He kept telling me: "Its just like driving a 5 speed but its with your hands". Which is very true...but a car doesn't do a wheelie or fall over. Nervously, I got on and kick started it easily on the first try [that gave me some confidence]. Ronny wanted to record it but I wouldn't let him. Thankfully, I managed to do just fine. I made a couple laps around the house and went to the bridal shower.
Sunday we went to church and then headed home to do some more riding. Wd napped, Ronny laid on the trampoline, [supervising] and I made a million laps around the house.
Ronny wants one too, but his is more $$ so he is saving up for that. I told him pretty soon we would look like we belonged in a Honda commercial. 
All that being said there's a great big, huge thank you owed to the hubs. Not only for buying me a dirt bike, but for buying me one, teaching me to ride [and not making fun of me] all before he bought his.

Tuesday of last week Wd had his first crash on his dirt bike. They were riding at Nana's and he crashed into their fence. Resulting in a GIANT knot of Wd's forhead.
 [This picture cracks me up. I cant decide who looks worse, Ronny or Wd.]
To answer your question...Yes, he had a helmet on but the handle bar still managed to get him through the opening when he crashed. So off the the ER they went. He had a CAT scan showing no real injury. So, the goose eggs is almost gone. And I'm one thankful Momma!

Now on to this week...

Last Saturday wd was in a wedding. I had been VERY nervous about him cooperating but he did really well and I was very proud.
What remains of the goose egg visible in this pic. ha!

Last Sunday Bizzy had her puppies!! Yayyyy!
3 boys and 2 girls and they are all extremely cute a growing like wild fire!
Ronny has been out of town all week in Nashville, but got to see them all before he left Monday morning. 
Do not worry...these are BoBo's babies. The white you see will turn into the 'blue' coloring. 

Wd is very proud of them as well. He calls them his babies. If I can't find him he is in there sitting with them talking to them. He says 'That one said it wants me to hold it in my lap, Mom'. He then proceeds to pick them up and very carefully hold them. This morning he had to kiss each one before we left. It was adorable.
Goose egg almost gone!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Dirtbike for a 3 year old? Really?!

Yes, it is true! Somehow, Ronny managed to talk me into purchasing Wd a dirtbike. I'm not really a 'Worrying Mom' so him talking me into it was pretty easy. We want Wd to be one of those kids who will do anything. No scaredy-cat, glued to video games kid for us! So, getting him interested in this stuff young is our plan.

After church on Sunday Ronny set out on a mission to find a bike. He search craigslist and called a million people. It was down to a Yamaha pw50 or a Honda CFR50. The pw was more practical, but Wd being so big for his age he would have out grown it within a year. Meaning another purchase in the very near future. So, we opted for the Honda.
After a trip to Winder this is what we came home with.

Ronny had to order some training wheels, ultimately meaning Wd wouldn't be able to ride it [alone] for a few days. Which didn't sit well with Wd or Ronny. So, while walking around at his parents house Ronny found a dolly to rob the tires off of, bought a metal rod and Rhonda fashioned up a mounting plate.
Resulting in this...

And they work really well!! We took it over to Maria's so him and Tristan could ride. They had a ball. 
Wd did have one crash where he managed to get it stuck between neutral and first gear. It popped into gear and slung him off. He handled it well and got right back on. 
I have lots more pics and videos to post of Wd and Tristan riding. I will get those posted up asap!

Now on to the animals.
All the chickens and goats seem to be very happy. Although I don't think the hens are enjoying the heat because egg production is way down. Which is OK by me. There for awhile I was over ran with eggs!
The newest Bunny which I introduced as Cocoa in my last post has been renamed.
Meet Chocolate Bunny
Wd called him his Chocolate Bunny from the get go and it has stuck.
I also managed to catch another baby bunny! 

Our sweet Bizzy is just under 2 weeks shy of her puppies being born!
Ronny says she looks miserable and I told him she probably was. I remember my last 2 weeks of pregnancy and it was...miserable. Ronny has prepared himself for the birth by watching YouTube videos. Which I find hilarious and a little gross but, he's never been around it so I give him credit for wanting to be prepared.

I'll end with a couple pics of how BoBo and Bizzy ride in the back of Ronnys truck.