Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rabbits, Bunnies & Hares, oh my!

Last week I caught a glimpse of a baby bunny!! 

I was/am so excited! Spot and Buggs Bunny dug a 'rabbit hole' under the big tree a long time ago and I have been patiently waiting for nature to take its course. Although, now it seems as if Spot has disappeared and Snowball fathered some babies with Buggs...

So, Ive been on Bunny watch ALL week! I was bound and determined to catch at least one.
I had no idea how to catch them but I was determined to do so. While walking around the chicken barn a 2x10 board screamed at me to look behind it.
 And there they were! So, at this point I knew I had at least 2 babies. In being so excited I scared them and was unable to catch them.

Now that I knew they had a hiding place, I was confident that I could catch one.
First I caught the gray one, then a white one and then a brownish gray one. 
 Final count is: 2 white, 2 gray and one brownish gray. I have yet to catch the other white and gray ones. The guys and gals that I have caught are living in my chick brooder, which works perfect for now.

I also adopted a new Bunny as well.
Meet Cocoa...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Productive Weekend

Since Ronny's boat interior is being redone we spent the weekend working around the house.

About a month ago I acquired some wicker furniture in need of some TLC from one of our cabins. This one of the awesome perks of my job...when a homeowner gets new stuff they almost always say to throw out the old, which is normally is too nice to go in the dumpster. So, I staked claims on it and brought it home.
This is what it looked like when I got it.

After about 12 cans of spray paint I got it repainted, and I LOVE it!
And yes, you're not seeing things. That is a cement cow in the woods. She was here when we bought the place and was purple. We decided to keep her so I repainted her. A purple cow in the woods was just too weird for me.

Ronny also worked on his project of putting 'chicken house tin' under the deck to give it a more rustic look.
Here's before

And here's what he did

While we were finishing our projects up, Mom and Dad came over to help pick in the garden.

We've got tomatoes running out our ears! I'm going to have to learn to can these bad boys so they don't go to waste! I'm going to make/can some salsa too.

I've been really proud of my cantaloupe plant mainly because Dad told me they wouldn't make. Well, he was wrong! I had 3 pretty little melons growing. 

 Since all the animals are running free now the Bunnies have had free range of the garden. Ronny told me he had seen Spot in there munching away but I thought he was just giving me a hard time. 
On Saturday this is what my poor plant looked like.
By Sunday this is what it looked like

What blows my mind is that they haven't touched anything else in the whole garden. I guess they just prefer cantaloupe. So, we've put up some chicken wire around it so that maybe the one left will be able to continue growing. *fingers-crossed*

Here's some pics of what we got out of the garden on Saturday

After we finished our projects we headed over to Ryan and Caroline's for dinner. Menu consisted of all fresh veggies - green beans, fried squash, fried okra, corn on the cob, tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers - grilled chicken and blueberry crunch for dessert. It was extremely yummy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July Fun

In all the complaining I did in my last post I left out the fun from 4th of July weekend!
The 3rd was our 3 year 'wedding' anniversary. I say 'wedding' because we skipped the whole white dress and tux bit and got married at the courthouse without anyone knowing.
We hung out around the house majority of the day. 
Wd headed to Cumming with his Nana while we had dinner with Ryan and Caroline then we headed down. Ronny's sister, Tina, lives in a super cool loft in downtown Cumming so we got to see the fireworks from her roof top. Before we got there everyone had walked over to the fair grounds and got the kids some pretty cool toys. They got 'light sabers' and bubble guns...

Watching the fireworks from the rooftop was really neat and a lot of fun!

I had to work on the 4th so after work we went over to my parents for awhile and then decided that braving the crowds and traffic in Helen to see the fireworks was not something we wanted to do.

So we went to walmart and bought some sparklers and went home.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Crazy Times...

The past couple weeks have been a little crazy around the Bass household! I wrote a whole complaint blog then decided that no one would enjoy hearing me whine and complain. 
Soooo, here's a list of what's happened:

For starters I ran over Bella in the driveway on the 29th. Fracturing her pelvis really bad, so she is living in a crate for the next month.She is progressing very well.

Our refrigerator went out on the 30th, but thankfully was fixed with a $100 part.

I had a terrible case of Laryngitis over the 4th of July weekend. On the busiest weekend of the year at work I was sent home because I was down to a whisper.

This past Sunday Ronny 'bumped' Bo with the truck which totally freaked me out! Luckily he was fine.
When we got to the top of the driveway we found our mailbox and post laying on the ground.

Now that all of bad is out of the way...
Saturday I had my first experience at The Sale Barn. I had been many times in the past but Ronny would never let me buy anything. This time I took my chicks that I hatched and sold them. It was fun. I only made about $10 after commission but it was better than Ronny turning them out to die. We also stayed and bought a goat. I was in a bidding war with 2 other people and I won! So we now have a super cute chocolate brown nanny that looks to be the same age as Sally. Wd has 2 names for her: Willow or Sassy. I'm pushing for Sassy to stick with 'S' names. But we shall see.

Sunday we had to make a Lowe's trip to buy a new mailbox and post.
Ronny put that up and then we headed to the 'goat lot' to take out all the panels so ALL the animals can roam around free.

That's all for my halfway depressing/complaining blog.
Only happy and exciting blogs to come.