Thursday, April 7, 2011

Catch up

It's crazy how missing one day makes for playing catch up for the rest of the week!
I think the worst part about vacation is getting all the laundry back on track! Not to mention that I despise laundry. Blah.
Fence construction/land clearing is back underway. There's currently a HUGE fire going in the yard from all the brush and trees. Once they get all this stuff out of the way Ronny will be able to finish the fence.

My chickens are much more relaxed since I have been home. Dad took care of them for me while we were gone and 'got rid of' my 2 extra roo's. They were some that I bought as chicks but never had any hens for them and they were just flat out mean. Now everyone is a lot happier in the coop.
Little seems to have an eye infection. Dad helped me clean her up yesterday and gets some meds in it. It looks much better today.

I'm so looking forward to the weekend! We'll be going to have dinner at our new favorite restaurant, Ribeye's. They have the BEST Filet Mignon and Ronny loves their 'Ribeye Burger'. It's extremely yummy!! I'm also hoping to talk Ronald into going to the Tiger Drive In to see 'Rango'! Wd will probably be about to sweet talk him into that.

That's all for today, gotta get dinner out of the oven.

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