Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Last weekend was another fun weekend.
Friday night we went to a wonderful restaurant in Hiawassee called Brother's at Willow Ranch, with Ryan, Caroline, Brooke & Adam. They had some of the best fried pickles that I've ever had.
Now that Caroline has purchased herself a 'Soccer Mom Car' we all got to ride together and had a great time.
Friday also brought some terrible weather. Lots and LOTS of rain.
Unfortunately, the dam couldn't handle all the water. Not only was it catching all the rain but it looks like it caught all the drainage too. It's not completely dry...just way low and running over one side of the dam, rather than flowing down and out the drain pipe. So, the excavator is back and they are going to try and fix it.

Saturday Wd and myself went to the Easter Parade with Santana, Emliy and Coleman. The wind was crazy, but the kids had fun. [Check out Santana's blog here]

After the parade we took Wd to the dragstrip for the first time. When I asked him if he wanted to be a race car driver his reply was: "No Momma, Im just a little boy. I can't drive a race car'
They were having a 'Ford Weekend' type thing. Wd liked it until the louder cars started running, then he wasn't so happy. So, we left early and went to our favorite store...Tractor Supply Company. We got our normal feeds and tractor stuff, but Wd managed to talk Ronny into this...
Once we pried Wd off the swing we we had an authentic Mexican dinner cooked by my Aunt Renee' at my parents house. It was awesome!

Today, I put 4 DOZEN eggs in the incubator! In 7 days I will 'flashlight' them to see if they are making a chick [I will try and post a picture when I do this, it's pretty neat], then wait another 14 days for them to hatch. So, in 21 days, I hope to hatch out at least 20 chicks of the 48 eggs. I have been keeping my eggs this week and my Aunt and Uncle brought me some that they had picked up. Majority of the eggs are Rhode Island & New Hampshire Reds.  I only had about 5 Amerucanna eggs, so I really hope all those guys [and gals] hatch.

Also, wanted to share our beautiful Iris's. Its always a good thing to buy a house from someone who had a green thumb. Lots of beautiful flowers with no labor. :)
There's also alot of Lilly's around, but they haven't bloomed yet.
Also, took the Silver Laced chicks out of the brooder and moved them to a make shift coop until they get alittle bigger so they other guys don't bother them.

I'll end with a cute pic of Bruno and Stella. He wants in the so bad, but little does he know that she would kick his butt!

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