Thursday, April 21, 2011


Wednesday is normally a day home with Wd. So we usually hang around the house, do some laundry and go to Walmart or Ingles.
That being said, it's no surprise that I'm not very the most we do is color and play with Playdoh.
Since Easter is coming up I decided to venture out of the box and let Wd paint some eggs for his Easter party at Santana's house on Friday. I found some paper mache eggs at Michael's. I thought it would be more fun for Wd to actually paint them. Rather than dying real I had no white eggs ;)
I told Wd on Tuesday that we were going to do this. The first thing out of his mouth Wednesday morning was that he wanted to paint his eggs. By 9am we were painting eggs.

After egg painting we did do some laundry, watched Dora, then ventured outside to feed the animals.
I had to start the chickens on an antibiotic this week because a few of them are sneezing. Elvis, sadly, seems to be the worse off. I have my fingers crossed that he [and the others] pull through this.
Since everyone is on antibiotic that means we can't eat/sell any of the eggs.
Which is a total bummer because I found this monstrosity of an egg...

I know it's hard to tell in the pic but this thing was HUGE!
I knew it had a double yolk...
And I was right.

We went to pick up the tractor yesterday, too. Which means fence construction will start again and I (Ronny) can till the garden up and start planting.

The pond was also rebuilt on Tuesday. Ronny, Mobley, Eric and a few other guys re-did it all.
They changed the drainage and made the dam about 8ft thick. Ronny & Mobs put some rock down yesterday evening, and we will be putting some big rock on the dam tonight as well.
I will post a picture when it's finished.

I guess that's all for now.
I'll end with a sweet picture of Mobley and Wd walking thorough the area they recently cleared.

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