Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pond Diggin'

Well, last weekend was a success. 
We ate at Ribeye's on Friday and went to The Tiger Drive In Theater on Saturday.
Wd loved the drive in. Watching a movie outside was right up his alley. The great thing about the drive in is not worrying if your child wants to talk or act a fool, because you're not ruining anyone's "Movie Experience".
We also went to the lake on Sunday! We went to church and out to eat with Ronny's parents then rushed home to de-winterize the boat. We didn't get out on the lake until almost 5 but it was nice knowing lake weather is here. The water is insanely cold. I spent pretty much all 4 days at the beach in the cold Gulf water. It had nothing on Lake Lanier! Wd was the only one brave enough to jump in [twice]. I sat on the swim deck, but could talk myself in to taking the plunge!

Land clearing was finished as of last night! woohoo!
It looks awesome!
We also dug a pond. In the first round of clearing last year we found a spring head, but we never messed with it for fear of screwing it up. Ronny did alot of research and figured out we had a spring box and that a pond was do-able. I'm super excited about this!

First they started digging and found the lower pipe from the spring box.
Ronny and Mobley started cleaning out the spring box, now that we knew the little stream was from the spring box.
So, Eric removed some more trees, dug out a hole, and attempted a dam.
[Spring Box is on lower left corner of this pic]
First attempt was no good, the dam leaked.
Second attempt was a success!!
Now we are just waiting for it to clear up and the water level to get as high as the pipe, which runs out the bottom of the dam for overflow.
Very exciting.
The tractor had to go in for servicing so fence construction is on hold, yet again. Which is ok because its not like the animals would enjoy the mud hole it is now. So, we'll be planting grass and spreading hay while waiting on the tractor's return.

I also promised a pic of Bella's "Elephant Skin" a few posts back.
This was taken about 2 weeks ago.
Terrible, I know.

Ronny took this the other night, so she has improved a whole lot in 2 weeks.

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