Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hair cut & Salesmen

Well, Wednesday night Caroline cut off all of Wd's hair. I have been fighting Ronny on this for awhile, and lost the battle when Wd gave the ok. He looks all grown up...and I'm not too sure how to fee about it!
Sorry for the blue tint, he insisted on having the tanning bed on for the picture. 
Nothing has really went on this week but I will share what happened to me this morning...Saturday morning at 9am.
I got up and fixed Wd some cereal and went to throw some laundry in the washer. Then, I hear Ronny yelling for me to come answer the door that someone was here. So, because Ronny was only in boxers and had whipped the curtains open thinking it was me knocking on the door, this guy knew we were home. Normally I would just hide/ignore someone who shows up here. But Ronny had ruined that. So he sent me out see what this guys wants in an over sized shirt, with 'elkaholic' plastered across the front that was as long as my shorts. Mind you I had not brushed my teeth, my hair or even put a bra on at this point. My plan was to just get him gone because I know we are not interested in what ever he had. I attempted to do this with in seconds of stepping outside. Didn't work. He was a persistent, college age kid so I let him start with his spill about these educational books he had. We sat down on the cross-ties, he set his timer on his watch for 5 minutes and it was like a race to the finish. I guess he could tell I was half asleep because he kept apologizing for talking so fast. Of course I didn't buy anything because the stuff he had for Wd was pretty much everything we already had. I gotta give the kid credit though, I could never knock on someone's door and be as nicely persistent as he was. So, if you live in Southern White Co or Northern Hall and have children...He will be stopping by. Just a fair warning.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bye Bye, Mange! Hello, Potty Traning!

Well, Miss Bella went for her regular vet appointment on Tuesday.
After a scrape and dip, we are Mite free! So that more demodex!!

I have failed to mention that Wd is on the road to being totally potty trained!
I have been waiting almost 3 years for this! At the same time I have been dreading it. I've always said I wished kids would potty train as easy as kittens, show them the litter box and they use it. Show a child a potty, they flugh something important.
Although, I have stressed about it, it has been fairly easy and I hope to never purchase another box of pull-ups or diapers ever again. Ronny has been looking forward to this day as well, but for other reasons. When I was pregnant he found boxer briefs for little boys. So, of course I bought some and Wd feels super cool wearing undies like Daddy's.
I have told Wd that when he wears big boy underwear all the time and poops in the potty, we get to go to Chuck-e-Cheese. He understands the concept, because almost every time he goes pee he asks if we can go to CEC. I say, nope you gotta poop in there first. He gives me a look and runs off. I know if he does it once he'll be good to go. *Fingers crossed* that is happens soon!

I'll end today with a pic of Wd working on Rhonda's Harley with Poppie

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chicks, Fencing, Gardening and a Water Dog...

Sunday-Tuesday my chicks hatched. I ended up with 8. Not as many as I had hoped for, but better than last time. Only one green egg hatched, which was a total bummer.
I did what your not supposed to do and helped number 8 out of his shell. I had been watching him closely because he had only made a hole about the size of a quarter in his shell. I figured he would make it out fine, but by Tuesday I decided he needed help. From what I understand this is not something you are supposed to do. If they can't hatch themselves then they will I've read. I'm proud to report that #8 is just a healthy as the others. I'm very happy I decided to help him, rather than let him die in the shell.
Here they are...
 Super cute, I know!

Fence construction is officially finished as well!!! This is the top corner. The wood line is where it ends.
We are leaving the chickens in the coop until the grass grows in.
Stella and Little are out and extremely happy!

Bella has also shown us her love for the pond! It's full of pad poles right now and they drive her crazy. She stands on the edge like this...trying to eat them.
Next thing you know she's in there swimming around!

It's awesome! I guess I should have Labradors because I have always wanted a dog that loved the water. Bruno likes to go on the lake but doesn't just jump in on his own. So, I'm hoping Bella will be our 'Water Dog'.

Saturday we planted the rest of the garden. What a task that was! But it's done, and that's all that matters.
 I guess that pretty much sums this week up.
I did finally get my new camera, so no more iPhone pics after this post! It's a Panasonic Lumix and so far I love it!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is Jesus in that hole Mom?

Today is Mother's Day! Thankfully I have an amazing Momma and Mother-in-law in my life! Not really sure what I'd do with out them! Hopefully one day Wd will be able to say the same.
I also have a sister, 3 sister-in-laws, and friends that treat wd like their own. That it self means the world to me.
Aside from Ronny being an awesome Daddy & Hubs, he is the best gift giver EVER! He always catches me off guard! I had dropped several hints that I wanted a new camera. Well, instead of going and buying one, he gave me the cash to go pick out the perfect one! So, camera shopping is on the list for the week!!

Now on to what happened this past week...
Wednesday and Thursday, Max & Ruby died. I'm not sure if it was the cold snap we had or the carrots that Dad had given them. Wd handled it fine. He told me that PawPaw was going to get him some new ones.
While digging the hole for Max I explained to wd that Max had gotten sick and was going to be with Jesus. We talked a little about it, then in an extremely serious tone he looks in the hole, back at me and says "Is Jesus in that hole Mom?" It was so sweet and hilarious! I waited for Ronny to get home before burying Max, I didn't want him to freak when I actually put him in the hole. All I could imagine was my scarred 25 year old son telling people that his mother buried his beloved bunny in front of him at the age of 2! HA!
Anyways, Ruby followed suit on Thursday. Ronny said that apparently I'm not meant to be a rabbit rancher.
If we do decide to replace them we will be buying some larger rabbits. I've never had much luck with baby rabbits.

On a lighter note, Ronny and company have been working their tales off on the fence. They ran water to the fence and up to the barn on Friday. Which I'm very happy about because that means no more hauling 5 gallon buckets of water across the yard from the house to the animals. And no more stretched out water hoses for the garden. YAY!

My eggs should be hatching tomorrow or Tuesday! Dad built me an awesome brooder to put them in once they hatch. I had been using a huge heavy duty plastic tub. The box is going to be awesome! It is up high enough so I won't be bending over to get in it and they wont be able to fly out the top. It has a mesh bottom as well with a tray under neath to catch their droppings. I think the new chicks will be VERY happy!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let's see...

Last Friday we went to the movies and saw Fast Five. It was really good! Ronny and I could watch all the Fast and Furious movies over and over, so we might be a little bias. ;)
Saturday I had to work [total bummer]. After work we had dinner at Ribeye's for my parents 26th wedding anniversary. It was very yummy, of course!
Sunday we played hookie from church and worked on the garden [finally].
Ronny's dad showed up with 30 tomato plants [yes, 30]. While him and Ronny started on those, Wd and myself headed to Lowes to pick up some more plants. We bought cucumbers, watermelon, cantelope, bell peppers, jalapeno's, okra, strawberries and some hanging baskets for the deck. We picked up some seeds for various stuff too, just to see if we can grow it, like carrots, spinach and radish's.
Beans and corn have to be bought at the farmers exchange so we'll be picking some of that up this week.
Last year I bought a cool pumpkin from Burt's Pumpkin Farm and saved the seeds, so I hope to grow some of those too. Oh and I'll plant some gourds too, just because I think they are neat.

The new bunnies seem to be adjusting well. I was worried that Snowball would end up fighting with Buggs and Spot, but they seem to be fine. The babies [Max & Ruby] are still in the barn. They have alot of growing to do.
The chicks that I hatched are almost ready to go out to the coop. I plan to move them this weekend because my eggs should be hatching on Monday.
All my chickens that were sneezing/coughing seem to have gotten better. I haven't heard any of them in the past couple days. Elvis however, doesnt looks so hot. One of his eyes has a knot underneath it. It's really weird. He doesn't sneeze or cough and runs around like normal. So I'm not really sure whats up with him. I have put antibiotic into the bad eye, but that doesn't seem to do anything. It's just really weird. If he doesn't progress...Dad may have to come over.

While I worked on Saturday Ronny worked on the fence. He is having to take an OSHA Safety class for work this week so it will be the weekend before he gets back to it.

Bella went for her 7th Mitaban dip yesterday. Next week they will do another skin scrape and decide what to do from there. Thankfully, he hair has grown back and she looks like a normal puppy!
So, Ill end today with a picture of her after I picked her up from the vet yesterday.