Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Let's see...

Last Friday we went to the movies and saw Fast Five. It was really good! Ronny and I could watch all the Fast and Furious movies over and over, so we might be a little bias. ;)
Saturday I had to work [total bummer]. After work we had dinner at Ribeye's for my parents 26th wedding anniversary. It was very yummy, of course!
Sunday we played hookie from church and worked on the garden [finally].
Ronny's dad showed up with 30 tomato plants [yes, 30]. While him and Ronny started on those, Wd and myself headed to Lowes to pick up some more plants. We bought cucumbers, watermelon, cantelope, bell peppers, jalapeno's, okra, strawberries and some hanging baskets for the deck. We picked up some seeds for various stuff too, just to see if we can grow it, like carrots, spinach and radish's.
Beans and corn have to be bought at the farmers exchange so we'll be picking some of that up this week.
Last year I bought a cool pumpkin from Burt's Pumpkin Farm and saved the seeds, so I hope to grow some of those too. Oh and I'll plant some gourds too, just because I think they are neat.

The new bunnies seem to be adjusting well. I was worried that Snowball would end up fighting with Buggs and Spot, but they seem to be fine. The babies [Max & Ruby] are still in the barn. They have alot of growing to do.
The chicks that I hatched are almost ready to go out to the coop. I plan to move them this weekend because my eggs should be hatching on Monday.
All my chickens that were sneezing/coughing seem to have gotten better. I haven't heard any of them in the past couple days. Elvis however, doesnt looks so hot. One of his eyes has a knot underneath it. It's really weird. He doesn't sneeze or cough and runs around like normal. So I'm not really sure whats up with him. I have put antibiotic into the bad eye, but that doesn't seem to do anything. It's just really weird. If he doesn't progress...Dad may have to come over.

While I worked on Saturday Ronny worked on the fence. He is having to take an OSHA Safety class for work this week so it will be the weekend before he gets back to it.

Bella went for her 7th Mitaban dip yesterday. Next week they will do another skin scrape and decide what to do from there. Thankfully, he hair has grown back and she looks like a normal puppy!
So, Ill end today with a picture of her after I picked her up from the vet yesterday.

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