Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hair cut & Salesmen

Well, Wednesday night Caroline cut off all of Wd's hair. I have been fighting Ronny on this for awhile, and lost the battle when Wd gave the ok. He looks all grown up...and I'm not too sure how to fee about it!
Sorry for the blue tint, he insisted on having the tanning bed on for the picture. 
Nothing has really went on this week but I will share what happened to me this morning...Saturday morning at 9am.
I got up and fixed Wd some cereal and went to throw some laundry in the washer. Then, I hear Ronny yelling for me to come answer the door that someone was here. So, because Ronny was only in boxers and had whipped the curtains open thinking it was me knocking on the door, this guy knew we were home. Normally I would just hide/ignore someone who shows up here. But Ronny had ruined that. So he sent me out see what this guys wants in an over sized shirt, with 'elkaholic' plastered across the front that was as long as my shorts. Mind you I had not brushed my teeth, my hair or even put a bra on at this point. My plan was to just get him gone because I know we are not interested in what ever he had. I attempted to do this with in seconds of stepping outside. Didn't work. He was a persistent, college age kid so I let him start with his spill about these educational books he had. We sat down on the cross-ties, he set his timer on his watch for 5 minutes and it was like a race to the finish. I guess he could tell I was half asleep because he kept apologizing for talking so fast. Of course I didn't buy anything because the stuff he had for Wd was pretty much everything we already had. I gotta give the kid credit though, I could never knock on someone's door and be as nicely persistent as he was. So, if you live in Southern White Co or Northern Hall and have children...He will be stopping by. Just a fair warning.

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