Friday, June 10, 2011


Well, I have fallen behind 2 weeks...that means lots of catching up.

So...whats happened?
Lets see the main thing is that we got another dog. Yes, another dog. That makes 4 total: 3 Blue Heelers and Bruno.
I have named her Bizzy. Ronny isn't to fond of it, but he shot down every other 'B' name that I came up with. So, Bizzy has stuck, or as Wd says 'Fizzy'.
She was found over at Glenn Ella Farms and was very skinny. A nearby neighbor took her in and fattened her up. Our dog groomer, Anne, told me about her and I said we may be interested. I mentioned it to Ronny and of course it depended on what she looked like (remember I told you he's very picky when it comes to his dogs). I told Anne that we were definitely interested but had to see her before I could commit. Once Ann had her she brought her to my office. I saw her coming from across the parking lot and instantly fell in L.O.V.E! She's gorgeous! Perfect markings on her face and nice coloring on her body. So, right then and there I claimed her. Two days later she came to join our 'Pack of Blue Heelers', as Ronny calls them. Ronny was a little leery of her size at first as far as her being full blooded. She is much smaller and shorter than Bo, who is already pretty small for a male BH. After a quick Google search of the Breed Standard; we found out she is not to small to be full blooded, just on the small side.
And here she is. I will post more pics when I download them off my camera.

We've also been spending as much time as possible on the lake. We've been mainly going out on the pontoon. Ronny hurt his back and couldn't wakeboard then he had the graphics on the ski boat redone. Something that he's wanted to do since he bought it.
Here's a before and after pic

It looks like a brand new boat! And for sure doesn't look like it's a 1989 model! Next he wants to have the interior redone. The teak swim deck and a couple interior pieces were refinished this week and look amazing!
We spent all of last Saturday bringing the trailer up to date as well. We washed, sanded, Ronny painted it and then we put new carpet on the runners. No more terrible astroturf! It too, looks much better.

Ronny bought Wd a 'ski-board', not sure what the correct name of it is.
He was very excited to say the least.

Today Ronny, Rhonda and Wd went to the lake while I worked [huge bummer].
Apparently Wd is a natural. Ronny said it only took a few time for him to get it. I'm so proud!

Here are some links to videos that they made as well.

I'm sure that I've left alot out but I will not go so long again!!

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