Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wd's Birthday Weekend

My Sweet (not so baby) baby boy turn 3 yesterday! So, this past weekend was all about Wd.
He had a Spiderman birthday party on Saturday. Since he doesn't go to a daycare there were only a few kids there it was more of a family affair, which was totally ok by me. I get super stressed when there's a million kids running around. We set up 2 slip-n-slides for the kids and they had a ball. He got lots of cool presents including a Spiderman costume from his CC and Uncle Ryan. Once he puts the suit on he turns into Spiderman. It's really funny.So Here's some pics from the party to sum it all up...

He ended the evening with a nice long nap.

Sunday we overslept so we missed church. Ronny did some work around the yard and I finished party clean up. Once we finished all that we decided we had to find Stella a new friend. Ronny searched craigslist til he found what we were looking for. We decided to go with a bottle fed Nubian mix this time. The bigger goats are more friendly and I really wanted to be able to bottle feed one. So, off the Dahlonega we went after our new addition. The whole experience of getting her is a-whole-nother blog in its self.
To make a long story short she's 4 months old and gets a bottle twice a day. I'm going to start weaning her off of it soon because there is really no reason for her to still be on the bottle. The people we got her from gave me a half gallon of fresh goat milk and a bottle. Once I run out of it I guess I'll have to buy some milk replacement for her.
So here she is...Ms. Sally

After getting Ms. Sally settled in we were off to Dawsonville to see Cars 2 with some friends. It was very cute and Wd was very well behaved during the movie. After the movie we went home and spent more time with Ms. Sally.

Monday was Wd's actual birthday so we celebrated by going out to eat at the Mexican Restaurant in Helen with Caoline, Ryan, Steven, Santana, Emily and Coleman. I had them bring Wd an ice cream and sing to him but he didnt really want any part of that. He just put his head down on the table. They did put some of it in his face which he wasn't to fond of. Once he was over that we ate his ice cream (because he was to mad to) and then we headed across the street to the river. 

 Even Coleman enjoyed the river!

All in all I'd say that Wd had a pretty awesome Birthday Weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Love your blog! Your son is too cute; looks like he had a pretty great birthday! I'm your newest follower. I actually graduated high school with your husband; though he probably remembers me as Kate Jordan not McAtee, if at all. Anyway, just wanted to say hello. You can check out my adventures in motherhood at http://herlittlemister.blogspot.com/

    Have a great weekend!
