Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chicks, Goats and Gardening

Well, with being so behind I knew I would forget something!
Something pretty exciting, actually.
I have a hen that decided to sit on some eggs, and she hatched an adorable little chick!
She's still sitting on the other eggs, although I do not think they will hatch. 
We shall see I guess.

Speaking of chicks, the guys that I hatched are almost fully feathered.

On Saturday we took Little Goat to the vet. She had a wound appear on her hind leg. My first thought was the one of the dogs nicked her when they were 'hearding' her and Stella. Well, I was wrong. The vet shaved her hair to find multiple little lacerations.All we can figure is that the dogs had her cornered up and while wiggling around she got cut on some sharp parts of fence that was sticking out. It looks really...well, yucky.  We are cleaning the area and putting medicine on it daily and also giving her a penicillin shot daily. We had our first experience giving her a shot yesterday. We had to do a tetanus and the penicillin. We were so sure she was going to freak out on us, but she didn't. (Thank goodness.) So, more updates to follow on that. I will spare you all and not post any pictures until it starts looking less yucky.

In garden news, it is coming along really well. I promised myself that this years garden would not get over ran by weeds like last years did.
So, here's some pics...
Three rows of green beans and a row of corn to the right.
29 Tomato Plants in cages! Pepper plants behind them and Onions on the next row.
I am so ready for one of these guys! Nothing beats a home-grown 'mater!
I didn't take any pic of the corn because it wasn't pretty enough yet. There's 4 or 5 rows of it on the far end. We've also got some okra and radish's coming up. I had one lone potato plant...key word had...Ronald mowed it over with the tiller. Big bummer.
While taking garden pics I decided to take some of the pretty flowers around the house. Majority of which were here when we bought the place.

One of the many Lillie's

Moss Rose.
These are my new favorite little flowers! I was really intrigued by them in Lowe's so I bought a one 6 pack of them. I ended up going back and buying 2 more packs. I think they are cute and so interesting! There are pink ones with white stripes, solid white ones, orange ones and yellow ones, too. I just love them!

These little guys are Viola's (I think), they are all through out the grass. They bring some excitement to boring green grass.

I guess that's all for now.

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