Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wd's Birthday Weekend

My Sweet (not so baby) baby boy turn 3 yesterday! So, this past weekend was all about Wd.
He had a Spiderman birthday party on Saturday. Since he doesn't go to a daycare there were only a few kids there it was more of a family affair, which was totally ok by me. I get super stressed when there's a million kids running around. We set up 2 slip-n-slides for the kids and they had a ball. He got lots of cool presents including a Spiderman costume from his CC and Uncle Ryan. Once he puts the suit on he turns into Spiderman. It's really funny.So Here's some pics from the party to sum it all up...

He ended the evening with a nice long nap.

Sunday we overslept so we missed church. Ronny did some work around the yard and I finished party clean up. Once we finished all that we decided we had to find Stella a new friend. Ronny searched craigslist til he found what we were looking for. We decided to go with a bottle fed Nubian mix this time. The bigger goats are more friendly and I really wanted to be able to bottle feed one. So, off the Dahlonega we went after our new addition. The whole experience of getting her is a-whole-nother blog in its self.
To make a long story short she's 4 months old and gets a bottle twice a day. I'm going to start weaning her off of it soon because there is really no reason for her to still be on the bottle. The people we got her from gave me a half gallon of fresh goat milk and a bottle. Once I run out of it I guess I'll have to buy some milk replacement for her.
So here she is...Ms. Sally

After getting Ms. Sally settled in we were off to Dawsonville to see Cars 2 with some friends. It was very cute and Wd was very well behaved during the movie. After the movie we went home and spent more time with Ms. Sally.

Monday was Wd's actual birthday so we celebrated by going out to eat at the Mexican Restaurant in Helen with Caoline, Ryan, Steven, Santana, Emily and Coleman. I had them bring Wd an ice cream and sing to him but he didnt really want any part of that. He just put his head down on the table. They did put some of it in his face which he wasn't to fond of. Once he was over that we ate his ice cream (because he was to mad to) and then we headed across the street to the river. 

 Even Coleman enjoyed the river!

All in all I'd say that Wd had a pretty awesome Birthday Weekend.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A night for the history books!

Awesome.Amazing.Insane.Crunk.Unforgettable.Unreal...I could go on and on.
Writing about the NKOTBSB concert is no where near as fun as telling it.
This was my 4th time seeing BSB and Elyse's 5th (yes, she went once with out me when my parents wouldn't let me go...it was terrible).

We started the night by having dinner at Rosa Mexicano. It was A-mazing.
After that we sat in traffic for what seemed like forever.
Earlier in the day when I got our tickets out I was reminded that I had snatched some aisle seats. That was a pleasant surprise, aisle seats meant no crawling over people to go potty. ;)
Once we got to Phillips we started looking for our section, 106. Surprise #2 of the night...we were Club Level, so super comfy seats.
Jordin Sparks opened for them and she was really good.
Once the guys hit the stage it was non stop for nearly 3 hours. We were worried that we had managed to get stuck in a group of no fun older people (which ALWAYS happens to me at concerts). We were wrong. They were just old NKOTB fans. I thought the lady behind us was going to pass out when they came on stage. It was quite funny. I don't think there was one person sitting down during the whole show. 
About three quarters of the way through the ushers rushed past us putting up the heavy black ropes on each side of the aisle. I immediately freaked, I knew someone was coming up or down our row. This happened during a New Kids song and they did walk up our aisle but stopped about 10 rows from us. Once the finished the song the lights went out and I noticed that the ropes were still in place. About that time the spotlights hit just above us. Surprise #3...We turned around and there was Howie!! Everyone freaked out. I had my camera on video and made a short one of him until Elyse grabbed me, almost ripping my arm off, screaming that AJ was coming (he's always been her favorite). I slammed my camera to picture taking mode and started snapping. Getting this super awesome shot...
 Yeah, that's Elyse shaking his hand. He said 'Nice to meet you' and I thought Elyse was gonna pass out.
We went on to scream back and forth at one another for a while. Once we calmed down we enjoyed the rest of the show.
It was an amazing night and I will never ever forget it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Last week creeped by...

Mainly because I was so looking forward to seeing my very best friend, Elyse. Saturday we went 'Winery Hopping' and had so much fun! First we headed to Frogtown Cellars. It was amazing. We tasted too much wine so we had a giant panini sandwich to prepare for our next stop. I must say that I was really impressed with Frogtown. Elyse and I are sweet (cheap) wine drinkers and they had 2 amazing wines that were right up our alley, Talking Rock White and Southern Belle Blush. All the wines we tasted were good, but these were our favorite. Everything about Frogtown was great. They have a huge covered deck with live music where you can have lunch and enjoy their wine. Not to mention the the view is amazing!
After Frogtown we headed to Habersham Winery and Sautee Nacoochee Vineyards. It was an awesome day to say the least. Only to be topped by today (June 22). We are going to see NKOTBSB (New Kids on the Block and the Back Street Boys).

Last week was also a sad week because we had to put down Little Goat. He leg injury proved to be much worse than expected. To spare you nasty details there was just no way we could recover her with out keeping her in our house or in her own barn and spending lots and lots of money. The heat didn't help us at all either, the infection was just too much. So, Ronny decided putting her down was the best option.

Sunday was Father's Day and we spent majority of it on the lake. We headed out early and took our both the Pontoon and Ronny's ski boat. It was us, Ronny's parents and all 3 of his sisters and their families.
The kids all took a ride on the Ski Board and the tube. Then Ronny, Rhonda and Tina piled on the tube for a tornado ride, compliments of their Father. It was ridiculous. After watching them and then watching Ronny, Rhonda and Rob I decided I would get in the middle. Big mistake. I feel like I have been hit by a truck today. But, I guess it was fun at the time.
After the lake we headed to Ryan and Caroline's for a very yummy steak dinner with my parents.

I'll end today with some pics of my sweet Bizzy.
With any luck we should be expecting puppies in about 8-10 weeks. The vet could never tell us for sure if she was fixed, only to watch and see if she went into heat. Well, that happened last week. So, puppies may very well be in our future. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chicks, Goats and Gardening

Well, with being so behind I knew I would forget something!
Something pretty exciting, actually.
I have a hen that decided to sit on some eggs, and she hatched an adorable little chick!
She's still sitting on the other eggs, although I do not think they will hatch. 
We shall see I guess.

Speaking of chicks, the guys that I hatched are almost fully feathered.

On Saturday we took Little Goat to the vet. She had a wound appear on her hind leg. My first thought was the one of the dogs nicked her when they were 'hearding' her and Stella. Well, I was wrong. The vet shaved her hair to find multiple little lacerations.All we can figure is that the dogs had her cornered up and while wiggling around she got cut on some sharp parts of fence that was sticking out. It looks really...well, yucky.  We are cleaning the area and putting medicine on it daily and also giving her a penicillin shot daily. We had our first experience giving her a shot yesterday. We had to do a tetanus and the penicillin. We were so sure she was going to freak out on us, but she didn't. (Thank goodness.) So, more updates to follow on that. I will spare you all and not post any pictures until it starts looking less yucky.

In garden news, it is coming along really well. I promised myself that this years garden would not get over ran by weeds like last years did.
So, here's some pics...
Three rows of green beans and a row of corn to the right.
29 Tomato Plants in cages! Pepper plants behind them and Onions on the next row.
I am so ready for one of these guys! Nothing beats a home-grown 'mater!
I didn't take any pic of the corn because it wasn't pretty enough yet. There's 4 or 5 rows of it on the far end. We've also got some okra and radish's coming up. I had one lone potato plant...key word had...Ronald mowed it over with the tiller. Big bummer.
While taking garden pics I decided to take some of the pretty flowers around the house. Majority of which were here when we bought the place.

One of the many Lillie's

Moss Rose.
These are my new favorite little flowers! I was really intrigued by them in Lowe's so I bought a one 6 pack of them. I ended up going back and buying 2 more packs. I think they are cute and so interesting! There are pink ones with white stripes, solid white ones, orange ones and yellow ones, too. I just love them!

These little guys are Viola's (I think), they are all through out the grass. They bring some excitement to boring green grass.

I guess that's all for now.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Well, I have fallen behind 2 weeks...that means lots of catching up.

So...whats happened?
Lets see the main thing is that we got another dog. Yes, another dog. That makes 4 total: 3 Blue Heelers and Bruno.
I have named her Bizzy. Ronny isn't to fond of it, but he shot down every other 'B' name that I came up with. So, Bizzy has stuck, or as Wd says 'Fizzy'.
She was found over at Glenn Ella Farms and was very skinny. A nearby neighbor took her in and fattened her up. Our dog groomer, Anne, told me about her and I said we may be interested. I mentioned it to Ronny and of course it depended on what she looked like (remember I told you he's very picky when it comes to his dogs). I told Anne that we were definitely interested but had to see her before I could commit. Once Ann had her she brought her to my office. I saw her coming from across the parking lot and instantly fell in L.O.V.E! She's gorgeous! Perfect markings on her face and nice coloring on her body. So, right then and there I claimed her. Two days later she came to join our 'Pack of Blue Heelers', as Ronny calls them. Ronny was a little leery of her size at first as far as her being full blooded. She is much smaller and shorter than Bo, who is already pretty small for a male BH. After a quick Google search of the Breed Standard; we found out she is not to small to be full blooded, just on the small side.
And here she is. I will post more pics when I download them off my camera.

We've also been spending as much time as possible on the lake. We've been mainly going out on the pontoon. Ronny hurt his back and couldn't wakeboard then he had the graphics on the ski boat redone. Something that he's wanted to do since he bought it.
Here's a before and after pic

It looks like a brand new boat! And for sure doesn't look like it's a 1989 model! Next he wants to have the interior redone. The teak swim deck and a couple interior pieces were refinished this week and look amazing!
We spent all of last Saturday bringing the trailer up to date as well. We washed, sanded, Ronny painted it and then we put new carpet on the runners. No more terrible astroturf! It too, looks much better.

Ronny bought Wd a 'ski-board', not sure what the correct name of it is.
He was very excited to say the least.

Today Ronny, Rhonda and Wd went to the lake while I worked [huge bummer].
Apparently Wd is a natural. Ronny said it only took a few time for him to get it. I'm so proud!

Here are some links to videos that they made as well.

I'm sure that I've left alot out but I will not go so long again!!